Monday, 6 July 2015

Day 11: The Ice Cream & The Long Queue

Today I kind of rushed through my shopping because of two reasons — the extremely hot weather and my melting ice cream.

Also, I have confirmed that the 7-11 near my workplace is purposely refusing to stock any 5 cents change in their register so they can earn that innocent looking amount of change. I only realized this when I noticed that almost all the prices of the items sold have 5 cents in the prices, yet they do not carry enough 5 cents change in their cash register, despite the bank is only 5 minutes walk away. I wonder if this is a case that I can bring up to the consumers association. 

Anyway, back to the story. Due to the hot weather, my ice cream did not stand much of a chance unless I consumed it right on the spot but I decided otherwise and rushed to the supermarket to buy myself an apple. This is where it gets interesting. I've bought enough apples over the past two weeks to know that it will be a very fast process. However, today, the supermarket decided to under staff the floor and I ended up waiting for 5 minutes for someone to work the scales and print me my label. Deep inside I was feeling very anxious as I felt my ice cream quickly melting away. The cashiers couldn't help me either because strangely enough, everyone decided to make today their shopping day. So I just jumped into the queue and hoped that they would have another barcode at the cash register for the apple. All that was going through my head was "Of all the days to buy an ice cream, it had to be today". Finally, after that long and suffering ordeal, I quickly rushed up to my office to snap a photo of today's meal and when I opened my ice cream wrapper, it was more iced milk than ice cream. 

Lesson of the day, buy ice cream during a storm. Especially in a tropical climate like this. 

Today's expenses:

Main meal - Roti canai telur, RM2.00
Snack - NZ Fuji apple, RM0.80
Dessert - Tropicana Lime & Vanilla ice cream, RM1.15

Total spent = RM3.95 + RM0.05 (insufficient change from 7-11)
Total savings = RM1.00

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